Central NJ Chapter
Society of Former Special Agents 
of the FBI 

DECEMBER 2, 2018

The Christmas Luncheon Meeting of the Central Jersey Chapter of the Society of Former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation was held at The Westwood, 438 North Avenue, Garwood, New Jersey, on Sunday, December 2, 2018. Approximately fifty five Chapter members, Bureau Alumni, and guests attended.

After an opening social period, the meeting was called to order by Chapter Chairman Phil Chilinski, who welcomed everyone and extended Christmas greetings to all. Retired Newark Strike Force Chief Bob Stewart led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance and Former Chapter Chairman Jerry Richards offered the Blessing. The attendees observed a moment of reflection for our troops stationed overseas and for our Chapter members and associates who passed away in 2018. Chapter Treasurer Tom Moriarty provided a report on the financial status of the Chapter. All in attendance then helped themselves to the delicious Holiday Buffet.

Chairman Chilinski reconvened the festivities after the meal and during dessert. He thanked the Chapter officers for arranging the luncheon and again thanked everyone for their attendance, their support of Chapter activities during the year, and his unopposed candidacy for re-election. The Chapter was particularly gratified by the dozen Bureau Alumni who attended the luncheon again this year. These Alumni folks, headed by their Alumni Chair Judy Martorano, included widows of deceased Agents of the Newark office and former Bureau employees representing many years of dedicated service to the FBI in a variety of assignments and offices.  

Newark Division SAC Greg Ehrie and ASAC Wayne Jacobs were welcome guests. ASAC Jacobs provided a particularly informative briefing on the latest Bureau news and operations of the Newark Division, including the Division’s new, state of the art Crisis Command Center.  

Chapter member Bob "The Mentalist" Dinsmore, with able assistance from SAC Ehrie, Debbie Warner, and several audience members, headlined the afternoon's entertainment with a magic show. John DeLuca and Jim Dowd worked the crowd, hawking "50/50" tickets.

Chairman Chilinski presented a 30 Year Society Certificate to Chapter Member Mike McDonnell and 20 Year Society Certificate to Chapter Member Jim Dowd.

A special presentation was made by Chairman Chilinski on behalf of the Chapter to Newark Division Secretary Louise Perugino, who attended the luncheon with her husband, Vito. Louise will be celebrating Fifty Years of service with the FBI in June 2019, a remarkable achievement. 

Northeast Regional Vice-President Steve Surowitz, a member of the Jersey Shore Chapter, attended with his wife, Amy, and updated the attendees on the latest Society and LEOSA news.  

Information concerning the “good and welfare” of our Chapter members and associates was updated and discussed.

Chairman Chilinski reminded the attendees that the Central Chapter has been honored to assist the Society and FBIAA in placing a Memorial Flag at the gravesite in East Hanover, NJ of FBI Service Martyr Special Agent Anthony Palmisano, killed in the line of duty on January 8, 1969, while serving at the Washington Field Office. SA Palmisano was a Newark native and had also served as a clerk in the Newark office prior to his appointment as a Special Agent. Once again, the Chapter will participate in the flag placement ceremony on January 8, 2019, commemorating the 50th Anniversary of SA Palmisano’s ultimate sacrifice. All were welcomed to attend in January.  

A large amount of gift toys and food products, donated by the attendees, was collected and delivered by Chairman Chilinski to the Family Care Center in Cranford, NJ and a local Toys for Tots. The Central Chapter and its members have been supporting programs such as these for over twenty years. Once again, the Chapter members were typically generous with their gifts.  

A good time and the Holiday Spirit were enjoyed by all.  

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